
Black and Blue | Created by Evelyn Oliver Knight from Waterbury, CT.

Black and Blue

Created by:

Evelyn Oliver Knight from Waterbury, CT


Racism: In the Face of Hate We Resist

Artist Statement:

While the majority of police officers serve the public well, they operate within a structure built upon systemic racism. When police violate the civil liberties of people of color, they are seldom met with justice. Black officers strive every day to be a bridge of understanding and integrity between their fellow officers and the officers’ own communities. However, when devastating atrocities occur, it strains the Black officers’ relationships with their blue brothers and sisters. This quilt represents the tensions manifested while striving to maintain allegiances to co-workers and community. These officers are both Black and Blue.

35" x 35"
Cotton fabric and batt; photo transfer on fabric, machine pieced and appliquéd.