Say Their Name
Created by:
Tambra Chisolm from Baltimore, MD
Racism: In the Face of Hate We Resist
Artist Statement:
"Say Their Name" is a personal reflection created from ongoing conversations about equity versus inequity. My version of the American flag speaks to the fact that this symbol, while representative of the melting pot of the United States, has not protected the diaspora of Black and Brown people on American soil with fidelity. "Say Their Name" reflects roll call of people of African descent whose lives were taken by the injustices of racism meted out with no regard. Men, women, and children - no one was spared the ultimate punishment for being Black in America; lynching,
murder, police brutality - unjust, outright, and blatant execution.
35" X 31"
Cotton, silk, batik and Jacquard fabrics, Shiva paint sticks, acrylic paint, glass beads; machine pieced and quilted.