The Mad City Quilt Guild is dedicated to encourage and promoting the art of quilting and presenting activities of interest to our members.
Vendor Category: Nonprofit
GSAFE Quilt & Fiber Art Auction
GSAFE works to create K-12 schools in Wisconsin where LGBTQ+ youth are safe and affirmed. Please be our partner in this work by donating to and sharing our annual online Quilt and Fiber Art Auction with your network of creators. Our 2024 theme is “Together.”
Wisconsin Museum of Quilts & Fiber Arts
The Wisconsin Museum of Quilts & Fiber Arts is dedicated to educating the public about the artistic, cultural, historic and social importance of quilts and fiber arts. The museum offers classes and workshops, a gift shop with handmade items, and four changing fiber art exhibitions each year.
The Sewing Machine Project
The Sewing Machine Project collects and distributes sewing machines to groups helping people find new hope through sewing. We passionately believe in the possibility a sewing machine embodies.
Hope 2 Others
Hope 2 Others brings gorgeous colorful African fabric, jewelry, baskets and art from the women of Tanzania. We are collecting donations of baby hats, blankets, and clothing for the babies in Tanzania. A white baby crib will be waiting to be filled with any and all donations.