
Best of Show Exhibit 2005-2020

Over the years, countless amazing quilts have been entered into The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show Quilt Contest. Now is your chance to once again enjoy the Best of Show quilts from the 2005-2020 Quilt Contests!

Eyes of the Forest

Created and Quilted by Margaret E. Solomon Gunn

Lullaby in 3/4 Time

Created and Quilted by Barbara Clem

Welcome to My Dreams (2005)

Created and Quilted by Betty Ekern Suiter

Subtle Sixties (2006)

Created and Quilted by Linda Roy

Wrought Iron Roses (2007)

Created and Quilted by Linda Roy

Nebraska's Rising Sun (2008)

Created and Quilted by Sandi McMillan

Cathedral Ceiling (2009)

Created and Quilted by Mildred Sorrells

A Thousand and One Berries? (2010)

Created and Quilted by Charlotte Schoonover

Vintage Button Bouquet (2011)

Created and Quilted by Linda Roy

Symphony of Roses (2012)

Created and Quilted by Barbara Clem

Creation Springs Forth (2013)

Created and Quilted by Betty Ekern Suiter

Once Upon a Time (2014)

Created and Quilted by Mary Buvia

Red Feathers (2015)

Created by Claudia Myers

Quilted by Marilyn Badger

Stars on Mars (2016)

Created by Gail Stepanek

Quilted by Jan Hutchinson

Bodacious (2017)

Created by Claudia Myers

Quilted by Marilyn Badger

Taking the Unmapped Road (2018)

Created and Quilted by Margaret Solomon Gunn

The Twisted Sister (2019)

Created and Quilted by Margaret Solomon Gunn

Spring Breeze (2020)

Created and Quilted by Barbara Clem

The Crossing

Created and Quilted by Linda Roy